The theme of today's entry is THANKFULNESS!
I'm counting my blessings one paragraph at a time starting now...
Wednesday's have become my favorite day of the
week! As a kid, I always loved Friday because that meant I had two days
of the weekend ahead of me and in Texas, Friday night football was king!
As a pregnant woman though, weekends don't matter...only Wednesday does!
When you're pregnant, the gestational weeks change
based on the day of the week your baby is due. Baby P is due on
Wednesday, February 13, 2013, so we count the next gestational week on
Wednesday. As you now know, we are counting the days and weeks until we
get to 28...Today, we reached another milestone by getting to 26. Life is
about small blessings and today is just one more thing to be thankful for in
the Paffe household.
I'm also thankful for time!
I've had the chance to ponder what my life will be for the next few weeks
and months while I'm not working. I've decided to embrace this
opportunity to relax for perhaps the first time since I graduated from college
in 1998. I love reading books and even classified myself as a
bibliophage at one point but for the first time in a while I don't have
any books in the "must read" pile so if you have any recommendations,
please leave a comment! I will have plenty of time on my hands to get
lost in a good story...
I'm thankful for the caring hands and
brilliant minds of NYC OB specialists! We have another doctor's
appointment with our Maternal Fetal Medical physician, Dr. Fox, on Friday where
we will learn if my cervix has improved since last week. I always look
forward to these visits even though I may puke with anxiety on the way to his
office! Look for my next update with a full recap of our visit and
hopefully great information to share later this week.
I'm thankful for a warm home and four
seasons in a year! The northeast is being hit with another
storm as I type this entry. Living in Texas the majority of my life, with
a stint in Birmingham and Nashville, I am probably one of few people that
actually enjoy the snow and cold weather. As a child we only had one or
two days a year where it reached freezing temperatures outside so as an adult I
love watching snow fall from the sky. This beautiful occurrence I will
too embrace this afternoon.
**As a side note, for all the trials and
tribulations we have endured over the past few weeks, our situation truly pales
in comparison to those in the northeast that are still without electricity,
heat, water and food. We have so much to be thankful for while these
people have truly lost everything! The situation is much worse than you
can imagine (unless you were in Katrina) and now not only are they dealing with
Sandy but a blizzard. Please use the prayer you were going to say for us
tonight to pray for those suffering in New York and New Jersey...
I'm thankful for the opportunity to
work for a company that supports their employees in the good times and bad! I
want to send a huge THANK YOU to my co-workers in Chicago who today sent the
most gorgeous bouquet of flowers! It's the smallest things that make the
biggest difference in a person's day and these beauties did just that!
We're thankful for the United States
Postal Service! Monday night we received our first pieces of
mail since settling into our New York home. You would have thought we won
the lottery! It reminds me of a time in my childhood years when I would
meet a new friend at 4-H summer camp and the only way we could stay in touch
was by writing's unheard of these days but back then a letter in
the mail was golden! It's no different now! We love receiving even
junk mail! It's the lifeline to civilization, as we know it!
I'm THANKFUL the elections are
finally behind us! For the first time in 18 years I did not
get the chance to vote. This was not purposely done but rather an adverse
effect of our current living situation and Hurricane Sandy. We reached
out to the Elections Department in Texas over a week ago, filled out the
necessary paperwork, faxed it in but due to the disarray NYC is still in, did
not get our ballots in time to fill them out and cast our votes by 7pm last
night. I will say as an American, this is one right I have never taken
for granted! I have voted in every election since I was 18 years old and
whether my candidate won or lost, was always proud to sport my "I
voted" sticker. You know the rule, if you don't vote you can't
complain so you won't hear a peep out of us for the next four years!
Truly, at the end of the day my political affiliation is completely
insignificant anyway and quite honestly, personal, but I will say the division
in our country and the hatred spewed from people's mouths and typed by their
fingers has left me feeling ill. Never in my life do I remember people
being so incredibly hateful and negative. It truly breaks my heart!
I'm grateful I live in a country where as a woman I get to vote for my
candidate, go to college, work for my own pay and come from a family that loves
and supports me whether they agree with my politics or not. Whether your
candidate(s) won or lost last night my prayer for our country, and all
Americans, is that we can put the election behind us, pray for the leaders that
were chosen and hope we can all come together again as a "UNITED States of
America" to get back on the road to folks, let's begin now!
Lastly, I'm MOST THANKFUL for my
husband! I don't have the words to express my gratitude to
Gayland. I just stand (or sit) in awe of him, his strength,
determination, love, unselfishness and unwavering love and support of Baby P
and me! I always prayed I would end-up with a man like him knowing that
dream would never become a reality so now that I'm living this blessing I just
want to fall to my knees in thanks to God for giving me such an amazing
husband! He is the biggest gift in my life!
Hang in there! Sending you love and sending up prayers.
Thanks Quan family! I love you guys!