February 1, 2013, at 5:34pm Gayland and I
officially began living life! This is the moment our beautiful daughter,
Elyse Harlan Paffe, made her way into our hearts, souls and lives. We are
forever changed and finally found the kind of love only a child can bring into
a family.
Elyse came into the world the only way she
could…making a grandiose introduction! As with the entire pregnancy, the
delivery did not go as planned. We learned from our Austin OB/GYN a few
weeks prior to her birth the reason I stayed pregnant as long as I did was
because of severe scar tissue on my cervix that acted as "cement",
keeping the baby in place. This obviously is a Godsend when you go into
labor at 23 weeks but when it's time for the baby to arrive; it's a nightmare
to deal with. Being armed with this additional knowledge, we still did
not discuss the option of Cesarean because my doctor felt like the scar tissue
could be massaged away during true labor. My water broke on Thursday
evening at 7pm but that too was not 100% until I woke-up in a puddle of fluid
at 3:45am. We arrived at the hospital at 5:30am, were quickly admitted
and had very few contractions. I obviously had not dilated so by 10:30am
with a little help from technology, I was dilated to 3 centimeters where I
stayed all darn day. I had two different doctors and a nurse try to
massage the tissue away but at 5pm it was determined there was a
"knot" of scar tissue on my cervix that would not move regardless of
how much manual massage was done. The doctor said I would not dilate and
recommended we move forward with a C-section. Though not an ideal option
for delivery, the baby's head had been hitting that spot on my cervix for over
7 hours and they did not feel like this would be healthy for the baby long-term
(we saw a red mark on her had after she was delivered where she, with every
contraction, was hitting my cervix). I was whisked into the operating
room where a frenzy of activity began preparing my body for the surgery.
All went well initially but evidently, the epidural that was put into
place earlier in the day had jarred lose or was not connected properly because
I could feel every cut the surgeon was doing on my abdomen. Even after
administering additional medication, I was still able to feel the cuts and we
made the split second decision to go under general anesthesia (which isn't the
norm at all…but of course not, nothing has been normal with me and this
pregnancy). They made Gayland leave the room and Elyse was born about 15
minutes later weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces and 19 inches long.
Ultimately what we wanted was a healthy baby
regardless how she arrived. This has always been our stance but it never
crossed my mind that I would miss her whole birth and be so drugged after she
arrived that I would not have much memory of the rest of the day. It has
been nothing short of heart breaking. When I finally woke-up I remember
the nurses saying, "It's a girl" and I had no idea what they were
talking about. Even when I figured out I was coming out of surgery and
our Baby P was in fact a girl, it didn't really register with me I had finally
given birth. To add insult to injury, Gayland was not allowed to witness
her birth either and learned it was a girl by hearing nurses in the operating
room refer to the new baby as "she". Again, I can hardly think
about the whole experience as it makes me nauseous.
On a happier note, I was able to breast-feed her
fairly quickly after she arrived but I don't remember that either. My
parents made their way into the recovery room but I was so out of it I didn't
talk with them very much. Everyone did get to hold the baby, which was
great, but not as we had hoped that part of the birth would unfold.
The first night was incredibly difficult.
Gayland, Elyse and I did not sleep at all. Between the tiny noises
she made, trying to figure out how to change her diaper and feed her, I was an
absolute mess by 4:30am. I woke-up with the worst anxiety I've ever had
due to the fact I missed out on what I perceived to be the most important part
of delivery...her actual birth. I was in a panic as I felt as though we had
not bonded properly and that too was almost more than I could stand.
Over the next few days our experiences with the
baby began to grow. I was able to hold and nurse her on a more regular
basis, Gayland began his designated daddy duties as the "CDC" (Chief
Diaper Changer) and my Mom (Chi Chi) came to the hospital each morning to spend
the day with us. We also welcomed my grandmother and aunts as well.
It slowly started feeling like Elyse was finally part of our family.
Like many of you told me, it is hard being a
Mom...the sleep deprivation, nursing, learning about our new little person,
etc. but the wonderful things this little angel brings to our life far out
weigh any negativity we have experienced.